D.I.V.O.R.C.E - can it be a happy one?
10:46 AM | Author: Seen.By.Ice.Queen
Went to Quan Yifeng's blog today. First time I ever did that. Honestly, I had no idea before today that she blogs. In fact I still wonder if she actually blogs herself, or does she write stuff and get somebody else to put it up for her. OK, so I'm cynical, i guess she doesn't come across as a tech-y sorta person.

back to the point, she wrote a letter to herself on the blog regarding her recently finalized divorce. in my limited recognition of chinese characters, i managed to get the gist of the letter. it was apparently an amicable divorce.

touched. cos i think it is probably difficult to do that. in order for it to be amicable, both parties need to make it so.

around me are too many friends who either went through or are going through ugly, correction, UGLY divorce processes.

hence, my conclusion that it is not easy to achieve.

i am not a follower of paparazzi but i do read the news so with info gathered here and there, i came to the impression that Quan is not a lady to be trifled with, has a hot temperament and is not someone who minces her words, or actions.

so to know that she went about settling her divorce in a less than melodramatic way, is truly inspiring.

to some, this entry seem like pointless rambling. perhaps, it is. but what the hell, this IS my blog.

Photo source from http://quanyifong.com/
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