Flicks for Free anyone?
4:31 PM | Author: Seen.By.Ice.Queen
Saw this TODAY article on where to catch free films. OK, granted that they're not screening the latest films but hey, it sure sounds like fun!

MOTHER always said there is no such thing as a free lunch. Or a free movie, for that matter. Well, it shows what she knows.

As every true-blue cheapskate will tell you, there is always a freebie round every corner. You just have to look hard enough. And given that the price of a weekend movie ticket now averages around $10.50, we at Today think there is certainly more than enough motivation to look very, extremely, incredibly hard.

To guide you along, we have provided you with our cheat ... erm, cheap sheet on free movies to help ease the rising cost of living, eye-bulging oil prices and that shrinking discretionary household income — no thanks to your recent purchase of a Chanel bag or that ridiculous mine-is-bigger-than-yours LCD flat screen television.

Sometimes, the best things in life are really free.

Asian Film Archive Collection at library@esplanade

WHO: For the Asian film geek or thesis-writing-student.

WHAT: An impressive collection of more than 100 Singapore film titles and 50 Asian films, including local award-winning film-makers such as Royston Tan, Tan Pin Pin, Boo Junfeng and Wee Li Lin, as well as famous South-east Asian film-makers such as Tan Chui Mui, Riri Riza and Thunska Pansittivorakul.

HOW: Trot over to the customer service counter and fill up a request form at least a day in advance. You can also email your preferred timing and movie of choice to epcl@nlb.gov.sg. These reference films must be viewed within the premises so, sorry, there will be no taking of films home. What do you think this is, Video EZY?

But hey, you actually get a comfy private viewing room for two. Think of how much canoodling ... erm, serious film-watching you can get done. Information on the catalogued films can be found at http://vistaweb.nlb.gov.sg or at www.asianfilmarchive.org.

USE THE $10.50 YOU JUST SAVED TO: Cross the road to Marina Square, dig deep in your pocket for that extra 10 cents and get fat on Carl’s Jr Super Star with Cheese combo and CrissCut Fries.

WHERE: library@esplanade, 8 Raffles Ave, #03-01. The Public Reference Library is open Monday to Sunday from 11am to 9pm. Closed on public holidays.

Tuesday Benefit Screenings at House

WHO: For giggly groups of girls getting together or that boozy boys night out.

WHAT: Cheapskate movie buffs have been heading to Singapore’s only spa/restaurant/bar at Dempsey Hill for a while. There is a different theme each week, with the free movie screened every Tuesday night chosen by you. Yes, you. And you won’t be pressured to buy a drink at all.

From making you choose between Brazil or Blade Runner under the Sci Fi Lullaby theme, to showing quirky French numbers including Amelie and getting you In the Mood for Love for Wong Kar Wai, the atmosphere is always light-hearted fun.

To make things a little sweeter (or in this case, spicier) a free bag of curry popcorn is thrown in.

HOW: Why succumb to movie dictatorship? The next time you’re at House, just pick up an official house movie voting form and tick the movies you want to watch for the entire month. There are buckets around House you can cast your votes in, or you could just hand it to a passing waiter.

If you are truly too lazy to get off your free-loading tush, you can also tell them the movies you would like to see in the upcoming months by emailing votemovie@dempseyhouse.com

You could also simply just turn up every Tuesday and watch whatever someone else has chosen. Beggars, or should we say cheapskates, can’t be choosers.

USE THE $10.50 YOU JUST SAVED TO: Either order the yummy Truffle Fries ($7) or the Sweet Potato Nibblets ($9). Better yet, throw in a few more dollars to get the party started with the Canchanchara ($17) — a little-known Cuban refresher of rum, lime, homegrown lemongrass and honey water.

WHERE: Wassily Room, House — The Social Benefits, 8D Dempsey Rd, Tuesday, 8.30pm.

Under the Banyan Tree: Open Air Cinema

WHO: For everyone and their grandmothers.

WHAT: On every last Friday and Saturday until the end of September, the National Museum of Singapore’s Cinematheque will be screening some of cinema’s most beloved movie classics under the stars, like the much-adored ’80s flicks The Goonies (Aug 29) and The NeverEnding Story (Aug 30), as well as timeless musicals including West Side Story (Sept 26) and The Sound of Music (Sept 27).

HOW: Pack a picnic basket, find a comfortable grassy patch and park the entire clan on a mat. With a cooler of iced drinks and a couple of battery-operated fans to keep the grumpy kids at bay, you’ll be all set.

For updates and enquiries, please call 6332 3659 / 6332 5642 or visit www.nationalmuseum.sg.

USE THE $10.50 YOU SAVED TO: Make that trip to the supermarket to splurge on extra nibbles for the picnic, like eight Mars bars. That will leave you with 10 cents to make a quick pitstop at a public loo.

WHERE: Stamford Garden, National Museum of Singapore.

Singapore Sun Festival at the botanic gardens

WHO: For the creative romantic (read: Dollar-challenged) trying to impress his date.

WHAT: Coming back for a second year after its inaugural start last year, this acclaimed arts and lifestyle festival will be celebrating the marriage of film, cuisine and wine under the stars with three entirely free outdoor screenings.

The chosen films will give you food for thought, such as Lee Ang’s excellent 1995 Oscar-nominated Eat Drink Man Woman (Oct 24), its Mexican-American remake Tortilla Soup (Oct 25) starring Hector Elizondo and Big Night (Oct 26) with Tony Shalhoub and Stanley Tucci.

HOW: All it takes is a bottle of bubbly, a platter of cheese and crackers, strawberries, chocolates, a soft mat, warm blanket — and the inevitable kiss and cuddle is almost guaranteed.

For more information, visit www.singaporesunfestival.c

USE THE $10.50 YOU JUST SAVED TO: Take her on another fun cheap date. Like bowling at Super Bowl Marina Square (that’s $8.60 for two) with shoe rental ($1) included.

WHERE: S’pore Botanic Gardens, 1 Cluny Rd.

Source: http://www.todayonline.com/articles/270497.asp
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