one MM sMILE
5:34 PM | Author: Seen.By.Ice.Queen
go ahead, club me on my head. i know i deserve it for not having updated my blog in eons... :S

ANYWAY! i wanna talk about something that hits home to me on a personal level. TEETH. yep, teeth.

i dunno if u belong to the same era but as a kid, i used to dread going to the dentist. to me, they were horrifying tormentors who were there to cause pain and pretty much nothing else. i used to break into cold sweat as i dreaded the wait to be hauled onto the dentist chair at the polyclinic by some dental officer (DO). of course, back then, i din know they were DOs, but STILL.. u get the point of my dread.

fast forward some decades (i'm not telling u how many) and i was introduced to this couple of nice gentlemen one bright, sunny saturday afternoon. lo and behold, they were, once upon a time, DOs. now, they are more than experienced dentists with their own established practice (Orchard Scotts Dental) and also coaching other DOs-to-be (note to Dr. Yap and Dr. Lim: pls tell your students to be nice and gentle to their 'guinea pigs')

to make a leap in my subject matter, lest i ramble on about my therapy-worthy experience in the hands of scary DOs, the world of dentistry as introduced to me that fateful saturday afternoon went beyond decayed teeth and brushing techniques.

This video proves my point

dentistry has gone beyond just treating the mouth and the teeth. the aesthetics aspect of dentistry has grown by leaps and bounds. before u poof the idea that it has taken a serious subject and trivialized it, just think about a beautiful girl with bad teeth. would u still find her attractive? and more importantly, would she still have the confidence?

a smile is the very basis of opening up interaction between 2 people without the exchange of words. an attractive smile is the very armour of deciding if that very communication would indeed happen.

that sunny saturday afternoon, as i was wolfing down their tomato and cheese tasters, Orchard Scotts Dental showed me the range of possibilities that aesthetic dentistry of today can bring to you and me. and trust me, it goes beyond what we know (orthodontics - braces for you layman out there) and stretched to the world of invisalign, veneers etc.

to reiterate what i am talking about, look at what 1mm of a difference to Blogger, Jenny's set of teeth can make to her sMILE.

Before | After

All this thanks to the team at Orchard Scotts Dental :)

now... what should i do with my teeth..
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