Jack Ripper
11:11 PM | Author: Seen.By.Ice.Queen
In case you think this post is about some horror story, I'd like to start by assuring you it is not. 

Jack Ripper is not only absolutely not violent or horrific. In fact, it is quite delish. 

Yes, it's a food place. A burger and beer joint to be precise. 

Was invited by the owner of Jack Ripper to try out their revamped menu. 

Tucked away in the corner of a coffee shop at Bukit Merah Lane, right in the midst of a bunch of motor vehicle workshops.

This was HoroBoy's order of the RIPPER'S ORIGINAL. It's essentially a cheeseburger. 

HoroBoy saying grace before tucking in. Love that he never fails to do that and I often need his reminder to 😁

Wolfing down his RIPPER'S ORIGINAL ($12 for the set with burger and fries)

HoroBoy's verdict: Burger was awesome though a tad too small for his growing appetite (did I mention he's going through a growth spurt... Again!) Boy likes the fries but had to stop after 3/4 of it cos he's on a diet (that's another story for another time)

Now. THIS is MY RIPPER'S CLASSIC ($16 for the burger and fries set) as recommended by the Chef, Anand. He shared that all their beef patties are made from premium grade beef and imported from Australia. The patties are done with "secret ingredients" according to their instructions. 

Another shot of my burger against the background, which is the stall itself. 

Verdict: I really like the patty! It's not crazy, densely packed like machine-made ones. I don't know about you but that totally spoils the bite for me.

I forgot to ask but the texture and packing of the beef patty feels like it's handmade. 

Anand cooked the patty just under medium-well doneness though he didn't actually ask how we liked it done. I assume there's no special preparation instructions. However, it's so perfectly cooked that the patty was still tender and juicy. Which leads me to one slight disappointment in the burger. It could really use a better burger bun. A good burger bun would have been able to soak up the juices from the patty without getting too soggy. The burger bun it was served in, reminded me of the ones sold by Gardenia.. 😳

Aside from that, the tomatoes, lettuce and onions were so nicely crisp and fresh it married ever so nicely with the juicy patty. And I love that they used sharp cheddar cheese that was perfectly grilled and melted over the patty.

Have to say I'm not crazy about the fries though. First of all, there wasn't a selection. It's just regular thick-cut fries that probably came in a pack from the stores and was lightly tossed in herbs in an attempt to enhance the taste. Didn't quite work it for me. 

Anand, however, shared that there are plans to launch their own-made fries. I assume that's going to come from fresh potatoes. Looking forward to that. 

I was there at lunch time and there wasn't much of a crowd but I understand that dinner gets quite packed. 

Being housed within a specialty coffee shop (the coffee shop is not quite your regular ones, it serves a variety of western and European cuisines, from German and French), Jack Ripper enjoys a drinking crowd at night. Beer on the tap and German brews are also available in the same coffee shop. 

If probably head back down one evening with some friends for a chill out and try their sliders then. 

Blk 119 Bukit Merah Lane 1 #01-41
Tues-Sun (Closed on Mondays)
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